What is a unicorn box?
The inspiration for our Unicorn Box program started in 2019 while Liv was going through treatment. Every Thursday night would be chemo night. The medicine she took came in a hazardous waste bag, and we had to wear gloves to administer it. Liv would cry, saying the medicine burned her throat and it made her feel sick instantly. Every Thursday morning she would wake up dreading the day. That was until a friend of mine started to drop little packages on our doorstep every Thursday morning. The narrative started to switch from Liv dreading Thursdays to being excited to see what treat was left for her.
We wanted to do the same for every child going through pediatric cancer treatment. Children enrolled in our program receive an introductory box filled with age appropriate items to occupy them during long clinic visits or extended hospital stays. We then send birthday cards and packages for things like the start of Summer, Halloween, and Valentine's Day. What started with a handful of kids has now grown to over 400 children in 46 states.

Join Our Unicorn Box Program
"Liv Like A Unicorn was one of the very first foundations that reached out to us after Sophia’s diagnosis. Emma immediately sent the girls a Unicorn Box full of amazing activities, to keep the girls busy as we transitioned into our new normal. Since then, Liv Like A Unicorn has played a huge role in our lives. Not only has Emma been an AMAZING support, but she has also continued to send Unicorn Boxes to the girls. They have received a box for Halloween, a Winter box, and a Pamper Box! They are full of amazing activities that we can do at home to keep our family safe, yet it feels like such a special treat. We are so very thankful for Liv Like A Unicorn, and so happy they are with us on this journey!"
-Sophia's Mom
To apply for a Unicorn Box, please complete the application below.
Please note: Our Unicorn Box Program is open to children who are currently fighting cancer, or to children who have completed cancer treatment within the last year. At this time, our program is open to US residents only.

Hospital Uncorn Box Program
We are thrilled to bring our Unicorn Boxes into our local hospitals! Our boxes are broken down into age groups, filled with a variety of activities for long clinic days, and hospital stays.
If your hospital is interested in receiving our boxes or finding out more information please reach out to our hospital coordinator below.